Absorbency & absorbent pads

Absorbent packaging – our range of absorbent pads & more. Our range includes absorbent meat pads, absorbent fruit pads and absorbent fish pads of all types, made to order to your exact requirements.

We also offer absorbent pads into the medical & laboratory sectors. Sirane can offer a wide range of sizes and absorbencies.

Specialisms include ovenable pads, odour absorbing pads, anti-bacterial pads and ethylene absorbent pads. We also offer a range of compostable and recyclable absorbent pads, included a paper-based solution (Earthpad).

Absorbent pads are sometimes known as absorbent soaker pads, and are used in food trays with meat, fruit and seafood to help both the shelf-life and improve the appearance of the food in question.

Sirane is one of the world’s leading suppliers of absorbency. We can offer absorbent pads suitable for multiple applications, and with the correct level of absorbency required for your exact application.

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